MediaFactory is the platform for live streaming and on-demand content used in various markets, especially in the medical sector, with the aim of providing a solution for educational and marketing.
The formula is applicable in other markets and organizations that want to have a complete, end-to-end system on the entire process, from acquisition to delivery on private websites and other channels at will.
Arkki is the Digital Asset Management that acts as a unified central repository for MediaFactory.
These are MediaPower proprietary software products that, thanks to a dedicated development team, have grown more and more and are now ripe to face different areas of use and markets.
Absolutely finished, but at the same time constantly evolving to stay on top, they are ideal for the medical market.
Companies, of any size, need to update their proposition on the market and, therefore, are increasingly choosing to combine the sale of devices with specialized training.
The typical ways communication and marketing are thus distorted by having to understand this new variable as well.
And when the medical device is the result of the most up-to-date technology, training for correct use becomes part of the product itself.
In this way, the need for an equally refined technology is evident, capable of describing and distributing contents with efficacy, innovative and interactive methods.
“In this field of training, communication and marketing, MediaPower proposes MediaFactory which becomes equally irreplaceable for the large multinational house that manufactures medical devices, as well as for the small companies that act as resellers and distributors.
Where the large company has its own development cycle in some way static, today, especially the small company feels the increasingly indispensable need to “reinvent itself a role”; it is not enough just to resell products.
In practice, these companies have overturned their typical way of doing communication and marketing and added training to simple reselling.
Speaking of big names that sell high technology, competition is very limited, and it is often a technological superiority that wins a tender for a company and a product, rather than another.
However, it is precisely this technological surplus of these super specialized products (typically, for example, a valve or a robot) that makes the intervention of MediaFactory indispensable”.
Products with high structural and operational complexity, with their own procedures and hardware and software interaction, increasingly require training that must be organized, managed, structured, programmed and distributed.
Carrying out training on projects and solutions of this type implies having a tool that is first of all safe: you cannot rely on free software.
Communications must remain completely “armored” within the corporate networks of those who manage them and those who receive and interact with them; that is, extreme security specificities are indispensable.
MediaPower is well aware that cyber attacks have become a critical element of risk for companies.
Versatility plays a decisive role: training and evangelization also towards “stakeholders”, such as doctors or retailers, etc., are very serious matters that involve data management in total safety.
The doctor is the director
Think of a doctor who has to carry out a training course and has to face, in practice, almost the same operating procedures of a television director.
He must, for example, propose different shots in succession and often add some slides from a computer presentation to them; he must be able to store everything in a large container where he can find what he needs on the fly; then he has to distribute part or all of this newly created content to an audience that has different access privileges, both live and on a deferred basis.
He must be able to distribute content on a platform that allows secure access, after training, on demand.
“Even much smaller companies face the same problems every day in selling sanitary supplies in a highly competitive market.
MediaFactory, MediaPower’s proprietary solution is certainly an extra point and certainly becomes a discriminating factor in the choice of a company and its products.
MediaFactory allows you to carry out training and tutoring, with the aim of reaping the benefit of engagement with the end customer.
In other words, relying on MediaPower’s Arkki MediaFactory allows us to suggest to the customer a superior idea of the seriousness of our brand, our company and the proposed product.
This is possible because our offer is not based exclusively on the price and technology of a product, but at the same time it involves the concepts of competence and completeness of the services of a company – ours – which proves capable of providing “collateral support”.
Among these, training and after-sales, organized, and very modern, so those who buy from us receive additional guarantees of seriousness and “purchase protection”.
The large catalog and MAM
Arkki, the heart of MediaFactory, is the Media Asset Manager tool which, further optimized in recent months, allows you to catalog heterogeneous content, such as videos and technical attachments.
The doctor therefore finds a “repository” available where he can select and catalog in an archive – where he finds “everything” and quickly – that is, all the specific contents for each topic.
At a later stage, it is easy to distribute these contents to any desired delivery platform, a website, portal or platform that can be used on-demand and guarantee access only to users organized and managed hierarchically.
“Nobody does it better”
MediaFactory was created precisely to “do better what it does and what allows you to do” and in fact, first of all, it offers an extremely friendly user interface, having inherited the “man-machine” interface from areas (such as the museum and culture) in which the operator is certainly not a specialized video technician.
The doctor must be able to stay focused on what he knows and must do, and MediaFactory is only the “transparent” tool with which he improves his “performance”.
The learning curve of such a tool has to be zero and everything has to be super intuitive.
Another point in favor of this choice is the very recent integration, which will be released in definitive form by the end of the year, with the powerful “speech-to-text” function that allows you to transform speech into a written text, using artificial intelligence.
The doctor expresses himself normally in his presentation and his speech is acquired in Arkki, transliterated and so his voice becomes a text, with searchable concepts and keywords.
The vocabulary used and recognized will be extremely optimized and contextualized in the healthcare sector.
Marcello Dellepiane CEO of MediaPower concludes:
“The deliberately“ multipurpose” nature of Arkki is the “core”, the nerve center, of a software that has evolved precisely to be able to manage many functions and in a very specialized way.
It is a “common base” that was created precisely to be able to expand and expand in an elastic and organic way to better adhere to the specific needs of each sector and, in this sense, it becomes timeless.
Its essential feature is the “usability” that makes it eclectic everywhere, from museums to culture, art, medical, corporate and dozens of vertical markets.
Modular and scalable, precisely because it is based on separate services, Arkki guarantees the possibility of growing in the future and never becoming granitic and obsolete.
Being able to start everything from a common core, divided into services, made it possible to build the different useful specializations and without burdening the system with features that are not strictly useful to each sector.
Those who use MediaFactory, and therefore also Arkki, can produce and organize content and can do it thanks to a usable and interoperable tool that allows you to solve all dilemmas, something that other software are not capable to do”.