Virtual Tour, interactive digital artwork and new ways of storytelling

A communication path that allows to entertain and retain public.
MediaPower, a company super specialized in the design, distribution and implementation of integration services for radio television systems and Audio Video and IT workflows, is a reference thanks to almost 40 years of recognized passion in the broadcast, corporate, culture, and medical areas.

The strong experience in all video applications also derives from specific divisions that deal with vertical markets with exclusive products and international brands.

In this context, experiences dedicated to the “virtual domain” are inserted and allow strategies and best practices to MediaPower customers with different degrees of approach to the digital revolution.

Theses involve top-level graphics, virtual sets, artificial intelligence, augmented (AR) and mixed (MR) virtual reality (VR) to tackle all the challenges of the digital revolution.

Some of the brands involved by MediaPower in these areas are Zero DensityChyronMatroxClassX.

One of the branches of “digital” that have unknowingly received a strong push from the pandemic is, however, the segment of virtual visualization.

The propulsion received by this sector in the last two years has been crucial and a harbinger of further developments in this area which MediaPower is also tackling thanks to Paolo Dalprato’s collaboration with ITALY-360.

With experiences derived from the world of telecommunications and successes between technology and software, Paolo Dalprato ITALY starts from professional photography, as an indispensable background, and has been offering virtual tours for about 5 years, and founding at the beginning of this year ITALY-360, on the basis of a significant development already seen abroad.

Different levels

A Virtual tour can be tackled at different levels with different degrees of utility and commitment, but it always has a great involvement of the viewer in common.

It starts from the “entry level” in the style of “google street” in which the tour is based on a series of panoramic photos that allow a certain interaction in a simulated reality on the screen.

A large number of “gradations” and subsequent levels allows to reach the opposite extreme where the joint work of ITALY-360 and MediaPower is positioned.

Here, from the simple “walk” useful for showing a place, we can move on to a complete and useful communication tool not only for transferring “information” but for transmitting different and highly targeted contents that are perfect in all corporate communication.

Here companies of very different nature and purposes can make use of these powerful tools above all to make the viewer experience an active path capable to really underline what a brand is.

In addition to the place of the virtual visit, which can be a real (2D or 3D) or virtual (completely unreal CG) photographic or film reproduction, the interaction can take place on several levels and the fruition path becomes much more customizable to allow “Entering the products” according to various levels decided in advance by the customer.

Culture and Heritage

There are many areas in which any virtual tour works best, starting from all “corporate” communication but also in “culture” or in “heritage“.

The backbone of the virtual tour is based on a flagship product of MediaPower, the Arkki suite, a powerful engine, manager and organizer of all digital content.

Arkki is much more than a highly evolved database, it is the ideal place to organize and manage contents of different nature on several levels and well adapts with the virtual tour that was created to enhance the way in which these contents are shown.

The product, the virtual tour, is a path that can be shaped in a complete and precise way on the real needs of the client and each tour is like no other, like a work of art.

This allows to customize, create in an artisanal way and adapt everything, that is to invent one or more paths of use suited to the style and way of presenting and proposing itself of each company.

The customer and the workflow

It is quite common to believe that the virtual tour is just a series of beautiful panoramic photos that allow you to see settings and products and at most move in a rather limited way within a certain number of “rooms” or showrooms.

On the contrary, the virtual tour has made huge steps forward and the first one is therefore to be able to express how many things can really be done with this new way of storytelling.

In practice, today there are no longer any limits in the application of this means of communication which has applications in the most diverse contexts.

Drop in the dropout rate

The viewer, thanks to the ability to interact and choose (with few limitations) the path and the degree of depth of the information he wants to receive, usually remains within this “show” for a much longer period of time than compared to the passive viewing of a typical video.

The linear viewing of a video is usually considered challenging and often boring, with very high churn rates and attention slots that last a few tens of seconds at best.

This is also true for the few videos made with effective audiovisual skills and with the sole exception of “didactic” videos which, however, attract very sectorial specialists.

Any virtual tour, on the other hand, puts in the hands of the creative expert many tools capable of attracting, retaining and entertaining the final viewer much longer, thanks to many other information ideas with a hypertextual and not just linear paths.

In the virtual tour we can not only propose a very personalized viewing path, but also insert a whole series of “points and insights”, such as 2D and 3D virtual objects, which can be explored from different angles and perspectives.

We can also trigger other fruitive paths and propose texts, diagrams, hypertext links, videos, and much more to stimulate different degrees of in-depth analysis.

The ultimate goal is always the same: to entertain the viewer and keep him for a time above the average, so as to be able to tell him more.

Infinite potential, free content

Any virtual tour allows to dramatically increase interactivity, experience new frontiers of entertainment in a mixture of real and virtual and enrich the immersion of the journey, also involving an empathic 3D sound.

A very important concept is the possibility to release, that is to completely separate, the route of the tour itself from all the contents presented therein.

Until yesterday, the interactive contents provided for in the tour were predetermined and encoded within the tour itself; for example, the pop-ups and their contents were prepared exclusively during the creation of the tour and in this sense they were static.

To make any changes, the user always had to contact the agency that created the job, as happens in a static website, facing updating costs.

With the new tools that MediaPower dedicates to the virtual tour, based on Arkki Suite, the user who owns the tour can directly – and whenever necessary – make changes to all previously decided texts, images and objects.

This is possible only because all the contents are physically released, and “elsewhere” and can be modified afterwards, as it happens in a dynamic website, based on CMS, easily manageable by anyone through authorization and at no cost.

An example is the Franzoni Foundation tour

where all the visible and explorable contents are inserted in a very powerful Arkki “container”, the MediaPower proprietary central Media Asset Management database, which organizes all contents of different nature and makes them available and updatable wherever needed.

Great for marketing

Anyone who decides to explore the infinite traces any virtual tour offers, a museum, an art house, a fashion house, acultural institution, a company, a producer, a municipality, a cultural association, the medical world, educational, an archaeological park, and so on, will be able to take advantage of two very advanced technologies that can be managed on multiple levels, the 360° virtual tour and MediaPower’s MAM Arkki.

This allows anyone to dispose of a tool that is more powerful than the sum of the two single elements that compose it, that is the possibility of working on an intelligent content management system that produces a modifiable output that can be inserted in the virtual tour.


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