MediaPower at IBC 2023, pavilion 8, stand D43, shows the latest version of its proprietary workhorse, “Arkki Suite” and is looking for new international partners for “business-oriented” distribution.
Proprietary and modular, it is based on the “core” Arkki Evo module, a powerful MAM (digital asset manager), which allows intensive use of digital contents in production and allows them to be re-adapted for re-use on multiple channels and multiple markets.
This guarantees a potentially and decidedly greater economic return.
Arkki simplifies, centralizes and optimizes the company workflow, producing immediate results not only for the benefit of administrative functions but also for the benefit of commercial, marketing and sales functions.
Through specific modules – and also with operations in the cloud – it is able to fully manage all steps of the production of digital content even in remote production.
A single suite manages everything centrally: acquisition (Arkki Ingest), conversion (Arkki Transcode), storage (Arkki Velocity), highly advanced and immediate search (Arkki Evo), production, collaborative editing-also- in the cloud (Arkki Touch), creation of news with NRCS integration (Arkki Manhattan), automates distribution (Arkki Play&Stream), broadcast (Arkki Tv OTT) and publication on linear, non-linear, social, OTT, VOD, FAST channels and much more.
In particular, with this platform, it is possible to use planning and content management tools much more efficiently than in the past and at a fraction of the cost of apparently similar systems.
Thanks to its “web-based” architecture and a modern, easy-to-use user interface, the Arkki Suite platform offers unprecedented accessibility and multi-user processing from any device, anywhere.
This increases flexibility and productivity, reduces costs and allows the entire production structure to be geographically widespread and – in any case – have access to all the advanced features of the “core” which can be “on-premises”, in the cloud, or even in mixed configuration.
The Arkki suite offers a wide range of customization options to meet the specific needs of each customer, integrates with playout and any content distribution and is at the heart of any collaboration activity on common projects, in real-time, in the cloud and locally, “on-premises” and from a remote location.
It also guarantees maximum data and information security, thanks to the use of advanced encryption, data protection and interaction monitoring technologies.
It’s worth knowing more, and talking about it in person: visit stand D43 Hall 8 @IBC 2023 Amsterdam 15-18 September and book a chat with us: